Thursday, August 20, 2015


It's a story that happens all too often. This week a South Florida couple forgot their baby in the car and found the child unresponsive an hour later. The child later died.

After returning from the grocery store, the parents began unloading the shopping bags from the car while their 11-month-old baby sat in the backseat. When they finished, they went back into the house. By the time they realized the baby was missing, it was too late.

Infants and toddlers are most at risk—87 percent of children who have died in hot cars are under age 3.

7 Steps that can prevent something like this from happening to you.

1. Look before you lock. Open the backdoor and look in the backseat to assure that everyone is out of the car (even if you think you are childless).
2. Keep something you need in the backseat. Put your cell phone, briefcase, computer, lunch, ID badge, left shoe, or anything essential to your daily routine beside your child.
3. Travel with a furry companion. Keep a stuffed animal in the car seat. When baby is in the seat, the stuffed animal rides shotgun. The furry passenger serves as a reminder that baby's in the back.
4. Always lock the doors. Even if the car is in the garage, keep the doors locked to prevent curious children from getting into the car.
5. Put the keys and fobs away. Kids might want to play with keys and be able to get into the car without parents knowledge.
6. Have a plan with childcare provider. If your child does not show up to daycare or school without prior notice, someone should call to locate child.
7. If you see something, do something. If you see a child alone in a car, do not hesitate to call 911.

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