Why Is It Important?
- Protection against identity theft
- When someone uses the personal information of someone else without permission to commit fraud
- Personal information is used to obtain goods and services
- Can disrupt finances, credit history, reputation
- Can take time and/or money to resolve
- Read your credit reports
- By law, you’re entitled to 1 free credit report every 12 months from each of 3 credit reporting companies
Verify you’re on the correct site
Order all at once, or order one every four
- Review bank, credit card statements as well as EOB from health plans
Look for unusual / unrecognized accounts or
Other Steps
Shred documents that show any personal info
Avoid phishing emails / websites
Don’t give out personal info unless you trust
the receiver and know who it is
Use strong password practice online
Use anti-virus/spyware software and keep it up
to date
- Sometimes there’s not much you can do
- ID Thief works at a business that has your information
- Data breaches
Red Flags
- Anything you don’t recognize in your credit report, bank/credit card statements, EOB from health plan
- Unexpected denial of credit
- Bills that don’t arrive as expected
- Unexpected bills or account statements
What to Do If
Identity Is Stolen
- Contact security or fraud departments
- Flag credit reports with a fraud alert
- Order your credit reports
- Create an identity theft report
File a complaint with the FTC at www.FTC.gov/complaint
Creates an FTC Affidavit
Take FTC Affidavit to local police (or police
where theft occurred) to file a police report
Obtain a copy of the police report
Data Breaches
- Use any free ID Protection services offered
Pay attention to any caveats
Home Depot offering free service to customers
who've used a card at a store from April 2014 on https://homedepot.allclearid.com/
-> Privacy & Identity
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