Monday, August 18, 2014

Recognizing upset conditions (not always environmental)

I took Avery to a new BOARDING school yesterday and realize that his absence is distracting me today. Since I recognizing this is an upset condition for me I will concentrate on safety and work focus a little more today to make sure this upset condition does not result in a safety issue for myself.

This is an extreme "Back to School" situation, but this is also a reminder that this time of year comes with changes we need to be aware of and on alert about. Please be on the lookout for new traffic patterns, children at bus stops, and mental distractions resulting from a change in daily schedule if you have a school age children.

These are just a few.  Please feel free to add comments of other changes we should be on the look out for this time of year.

1 comment:

  1. Erika
    I agree with you 100%, this year was a huge change for us with Konnor starting school. For the first few days I found myself distracted and worrying about him, you know normal stuff when your child goes to school for the first time. Now with almost a month of school completed our routine seems to be working.

    However I did create my own upset condition today by allowing the boys to sleep in 10 minutes longer. Being rushed to get the morning routine done left me feeling slammed and I felt like I was cutting corners to get things done. I guess sticking to a routine works, I just don't want to become complacent as the year goes on.
