Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Hacked & in close proximity of a burglary and feeling unsafe. Seeking advice.

Hi team, I need your help because I am feeling very unsafe today.

First my personal email was hacked and one of those potentially hazardous emails was sent in mass on my behalf.

Second a close neighbor was burglarized yesterday. There were many policemen call to handle the situation.  I know it was a burglary because a security system salesman stopped by today and advised me of such.  He included that 6 other homes nearby were also burglarized recently. I advised him I was not interested in what he was selling and he left.  Afterward, I wondered did I just confirm for a would-be criminal I that currently do not have an alarm system. I believe I will check in to additional\better locks for my two doors very soon. I checked the police notification regarding the neighbors burglary and it state the time of the indecent as 1:39 pm. I was not working yesterday otherwise I would have been home and not very far from the criminals during the crime.

I would appreciate any advice or insight any of you have to help improve my personal and home safety.


  1. I once attended a CCW (concealed weapon permit) class and they spent a good deal of time discussing home security and the mindset of most burglars. Most are doing it for the thrill or just easy money. They tend to hit houses with little to no security and where the occupants present little to no threat. They want to get in and get out as quickly and as easily as possible. There are some things you can do to make it more difficult for them or at least discourage them:
    Keep doors and windows locked at all times.
    Get a security system. It may not prevent them from attempting a break-in but when the alarm goes off, they probably wont stick around.
    Get a dog. Even yappers act like an alarm and are more trouble to the thief than they are worth.
    Keep your outdoor lights on at night.
    Make sure your landscaping doesnt provide cover for would be thieves.
    Invest in a door devil or two.

    As for the security system salesman, he is after all a salesman and an opportunist. He probably watches the crime reports or listens to the scanners so he knows who's fearful and can capitalize on it.

  2. A couple of months ago I was watching House Hunters. This episode had a single lady looking for a home in Texas. The house she ended up choosing had one side that was on an alley and no street lights. So it was extremely dark and not ideal for her. Being such huge concern for her, the realtor suggested installing motion lights and security screens on the window. She did install the motion lights and was able to negotiate the price down to have enough to install the security screens.
    The company that produces the security screens is TAPCO the in Tupelo Mississippi. The link is below.

  3. I may be a little late to the game, but we have a pretty active neighborhood watch e-mail list and phone tree in our neighborhood. We are semi-rural, though, and everyone knows everyone down our street. Still, it's nice to get a call from a neighbor to make sure everything is OK, and vice versa.
