Friday, September 13, 2013

The risks of...Coffee

It is harder than I thought it would be to take the time to identify risks of every day life. What corners are we cutting without thinking? Here is one for me...getting coffee in the morning.

Here at the tech center the one "approved" coffee pot is located upstairs in the break room. Going up and down the stairs aren't my issue. I always check what hand I have the cup so to hold onto the railing with the other.

My issue comes into thinking about other items - not having my mind on what I am doing.  Most of the time I am planning the day, talking to someone, or just plain waking up.  So what are the results...last week I nearly started the coffee pot without the pot in position.  How many times have I almost splashed coffee on myself? Is it really a good idea to board a plane with a hot coffee in my one free hand?

Like most safety items - all these are easy to mitigate IF we recognize the risk.  I am going to start making a better effort to focus on the coffee routine in the morning.

What risks do you have in your day to day routine?

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