Friday, August 30, 2013

Recognizing Risk - Homework

As I was thinking about this post - I was debating whether it would have enough value to add to the blog.  I decided to add it - mostly because our homework for the month was to identify 'routine' things we do and how we may not think of them as risks.

I was at a customer's office having a meeting - so far nothing unusual.  The conference desk was wooden - also pretty common in our industry.  When the meeting drew to a close we all stood up and gathered our things ready to put them in our bag/briefcases and leave.  While I was pulling my note paper and other things my fingers slid across the surface of the wooden desk and I felt a sliver of wood on one of my fingers.

While minor and easy to remedy - this made me think of those things I do everyday that expose me to risk, but I may not identify that it is risky because I do it on a regular basis.  I will be more vigilant next time I gather my things after a meeting. 

Finger, Hand, and Arm related injuries are an injury focus area for our business. I took a minute to brainstorm about some of the different things I've done or will do today using my fingers, hands, or arms and determining the risks assocaited with those things.  Here are a few:
  • Determine the temperature of the shower water with my hand
  • Shaving
  • Making breakfast (stove)
  • Getting in my truck (door pinch, putting on my seatbelt)
  • Making lunch (stove, knife, heat)
My point is that most of the time these are non-events in my life but after looking at them objectively I am in a position to slip up and burn, cut, pinch, or otherwise risk hurting my fingers, hands, and arms on several different occasions.  Being more aware and making safe choices will put me in a better position in the future.

What thing(s) have you stepped back and reviewed your risk on today?

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