Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dumb things to do with your smart phone?


While reading a white paper on The Rise of Virtual Meetings, I ran across this: people are participating in virtual meetings while sitting at their desk, driving their car or standing in a grocery checkout line.

According to the 2013 Mobile Consumer Habits survey, more than 55% of the respondents admit to using their smartphone while driving. Are some of them actually on a webinar?
I can't imagine a webinar ever being that important or that irresistible. It's difficult enough to stay interested in a webinar while sitting at my desk.

But using a maps app, I admit, more tempting. But it also requires that you look at the screen while behind the wheel. I never thought about the craziness of that until I considered whether it would be more demanding or less demanding than watching 4" powerpoint slides while driving.
But, the Californians may have a point.

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