Many dogs, possibly most, are not big fans of loud noises including fireworks. My previous dog was very anxious about fireworks so I usually took her to my parents house in the mountains over the Independence Day holiday. My neighborhood has fairly relaxed fireworks laws and what laws there are do not seem to be enforced that tightly so it was the simplest solution. If you don't have a semi-rural getaway to go to I picked a couple of articles with good suggestions.
Why Are Dogs Scared of Fireworks - 11 Things You Should Know
Comforting Your Dog During Fireworks Season
Cats also can have difficulty with fireworks as well. I lack first-hand experience but here is one article with suggestions.
Coping with Cats and Fireworks
Pets do tend to run away in higher than normal numbers near Independence Day and it is usually blamed fireworks. The best bet is to ensure they are secured in a place they cannot escape from. It's always a good idea that any ID tags on your pets be current. This is also a good idea for the contact info tied to the the microchip if you have had your pets chipped (which is a good idea if you have not). There are also GPS enabled trackers you can get for pets and there appears to be a lot of options and material on the topic available via internet.
If you or a family member have a less common pet, I would encourage taking the time to check if there are any suggestions to help them deal with the noise.
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