Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Being Perpared: Bicycle Edition

Some years back I received a small first aid kit from the company (it's branded as iLevel if that gives you an idea how old) and while the supplies have been replaced (mostly due to age), the container remains the perfect size to sit in my bike bag.  It's the single most used first aid kid I've set up and I end up using it around once a year.  I rarely ride alone so more often it's been for someone else.  A couple of weeks ago, though, I had to use it on me.

I was riding with my father the day after a powerful storm.  We were on a heavily tree lined bike path near a creek.  Wind and hail left lots of debris and I didn't quite avoid a 1/2" thick stick on the path.  I clipped the end of it with my front wheel trying to steer around. It spun perfectly so it came up endwise right below my right knee.  I'll say it definitely could have been way worse.  The stick was a bit over a foot long and seemed to be braced against something (ground?  front wheel? not sure) as my right leg made impact on the downstroke. 

Now bleeding, I stopped, had my dad stop while I tended to my wound.  Had all the right equipment right there with me which is good because it would have been a bit of a trip to find something.  It was not a severe cut.  I was able to patch up and continue riding.  But had I not had the first aid kit, it would have cut the day short. 

Like many things I carry with me when I ride, the spare tubes, patch kit and so forth, I hope to never use the first aid kit but feel vulnerable without it.

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