I was actually thinking about this while driving yesterday and realized there are many kinds of distractions. The pictures above are probably the most common; eating, hygiene, digital devices, friends, and children. I tried to identify the less common things that may have been a driving distraction for me. I figured identifying them would be step one for them to be less of a distraction in the future. Here are a few:
- groups of animals on the side of the road (i.e. deer, vultures)
- fireworks, hot-air balloons
- Avery (14) now sits in the front passenger seat. He plays with his iPad in the car and often says "Mom, what's this?" or "What does this say?"
- mail, when I have interesting unopened mail in the car I have found myself opening and reading at stop lights
Again, this is just a few examples to be aware of the less common things (too) that can distract us while driving so we can take the appropriate actions to be less distracted in the future.
I often find myself doing a double take on building projects, cool architecture or an interesting looking person. But it's all distracting and comes with risks. I need to remember I can always pull over and take it all in more safely.