Monday, September 22, 2014

Adjusting to Office Life

Just some thoughts after my first week back in a "real office" after many years in a home office regarding Health and Wellness.

Diet:  Healthy eating takes a more focused effort.  My family ate more not-so-healthy convenience foods last week for supper as I adjusted to having less prep time for washing, peeling, chopping, etc.  One result of moving back to the office - it's enhanced my relationship with my Crock-Pot!  I also find myself having to make a meal plan, do more prep in the mornings, or make ahead and freeze on weekends.

Fitness:  I haven't walked as much as normal this past week, and I noticed my overall energy dropping.  This week, I plan walk around the building at WorkRave breaks, instead of just to the kitchen area.

Ergo - I tried a couple chairs, adjust heights, etc. to make my desk set-up "fit" comfortably.

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