Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bicycle Safety Equipment

The Denver area is blessed with an estimated 850 miles worth of trails (paved and gravel both) for biking, jogging, roller-blading and other forms of exercise and with this mixed use the people traveling upon the routes present different safety hazards.  As I am not the fastest bicyclist I find it pays to know what's behind me so I ride with a small mirror. There are several varieties, some that clip to (sun)glasses or mount to the handlebars.  I happen to prefer mine attached to the visor on my helmet similar to this picture.

If you ride with cars, I view a mirror as a necessity but at least in Colorado there are no requirements as yet so I consider it just a strong recommendation. 

The other item that I feel is critical to a cyclist on a mixed-use trail is the humble bell like below.

Warning people you are near is important, especially if you intend to pass.  Unfortunately iPods and other small electronics that provide music through earbud headphones are incredibly common on these trails.  My voice can rarely cut through those headphones but a bell usually does.  And I my admittedly completely anecdotal evidence shows people prefer the bell to having "on your left" shouted at them.  I have one very similar to the above and it's positioned for easy use by just flipping it with a finger or thumb and the sound carries well.
Neither item costs much and can make your rides much safer for both yourself and others.

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