Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How Poor Posture Can Lead to Headaches

I think most everyone has heard about how headaches and even migraines are caused in by lack of blood flow to the brain.  But maybe you haven't taken this a step further to discover why your blood flow is being restricted?  I found an interesting article that describes the correlation of bad posture to restrictive blood flow. 

"...If your headaches strike later in the day, then tension is likely the cause, and the leading cause of tension headaches link directly to the way you stand and breathe."

This got me thinking about our standing work stations.  The concept is a good one, standing is better than sitting right!  We've all bought in to that right.  But is standing with poor posture really better???

I think its worth a reminder on good posture.  Maybe someone can find '3 keys/or easy reminders to standing with good posture' or something like that. Something we could post next to our standing workstations? 

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