Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Burned - "Let it cool" is no joke PART 2

On 12-21-15 I created a blog post called Burned - "Let it Cool" is no joke.  In the entry, I described burning my hand with gravy that spilled out of the container when pulling it from a microwave higher than my normal reach. Last night my son Avery spilled boiling water on his lip and chin when pulling a similar container from the microwave which is also higher than his normal reach.

So I am posting this of a reminder of the danger of not letting things cool in the microwave or being cautious when removing hot items especially when they contain liquids or steam. Avery immediately put a gel bag from the freezer on the area and came to get me.  With all the first-aid kits in the house, I could not locate any with a burn ointment even in my larger kits that contain their original inventory. I went to the pharmacy and bought some emergency burn gel and found I product I didn't know existed Moist Burn Pads (see photo below).

Avery is okay after spending a couple of hours with cold gel bags and the other items on the burn.

  1. I'd say the lessons learned are to instruct Avery to let things cool in the microwave and be extra careful when liquids are involved. 
  2. Make sure I have burn ointment on hand and know where it is. 

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