Friday, June 30, 2017

So Your Pet Was Sprayed by a Skunk

Unfortunately, I've had to do this more than once.  Skunks live nearby my house and I encountered two just outside my back door the other night while with a dog who got hit.  There are two important things to note up front.  One, you will want to get rubber gloves of some form for yourself before you start doing anything.  Two there's a chance some of the spray could get in the eyes so properly flushing out the eye is priority over dealing with the smell, as bad as it is.  I used just warm water, but the technique here is good for dogs, but you'll still want gloves.

Cats, of course, are likely to be harder to handle, but the same basic technique is what is used, though I can't find a video to go with.  Restricting your pet's movement is also critical so as to limit what they come in contact with to prevent the skunk spray chemical from being deposited.  After that you will need the following supplies to clean the smell out of fur:

  • 1 quart of 3-percent hydrogen peroxide (available at any pharmacy)
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap (for washing by hand, not liquid soap for the dishwasher)
This is the formula I have used and I will attest to the effectiveness.  This is an alternate suggestion if you don't have the above supplies.

  • 1 liter (or quart) white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon liquid dishwashing soap

The larger the animal, the more you may need.  Wash the solution into your pet's coat thoroughly, but avoid getting any in the eyes.  Try to balance thoroughness with quickness if you use the hydrogen peroxide formula as the longer it's in, the more it can bleach fur color.  Then rinse with water.  It is also advised to then use a more traditional pet shampoo (or human if that's all you have) for a bath after you do that.  Towel dry the pet thoroughly afterward.  You can also use a hair dryer if your pet will put up with it.  It is also suggested that you reward your pet after bathing to create a positive association.

Using a laundry detergent with baking soda or adding baking soda to regular detergent will help with any clothes that might have had skunk spray transferred to them.


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